Sunday, July 13, 2008

Get Ready Maryland!!!!!

The Mustangs are riding into town!

Next weekend we will be heading to Salisbury, Maryland to prepare for the USSSA 11u World Series. I have no idea what to expect but one thing is for sure we give it our best.

I am so proud of my team! I use the word “team” because that is exactly what they are. From our players and their parents to all their families that support us, we are a team! As with any team we have our moments but in the end we are all working towards the same goal---improvement in ourselves.

This is by far the best bunch of players I have ever coached when you look at the team as a whole. Sure I have been blessed to coach some GREAT players, and still do, but as far as a team goes 1-13 they are thus far the best for they truly get it. They understand what a team means and that it takes each one of them doing their part unselfishly to accomplish our goal to win. Sometimes my players do this easier than their parents but when the parents see our girls together eventually they come around.

This year my girls have played in over 65 games in 14 tournaments. The experience we are gaining is priceless for each player has grown so much this season. I was replacing photos the other day on our team’s web site of each girl and from the fall of 07 to the summer of 08 I noticed huge changes in every single player.

Win or Lose I like knowing that we will do it as a team!

The Time Has Come

I get emails all the time from folks asking questions about softball. Some of the emails lately have been why I don’t post on AL.COM anymore? It’s simple: life is way too short to waste time on things that matter not in the end. Lately I have been thinking about life and all the lives I come into contact with. See I am not rich when measured in dollars for I work 3 jobs to support my family and my hobby. I do love what I do and I have been blessed with true friends, and a loving family and wonderful players to coach. I am also not perfect by any means but lately I have realized that I am in a unique position and this position has made me stop and think about whom I am and where I am going.

This fall my softball travel organization is growing to 5 teams with a 6th possible, if I can find the right coach, and with this growth comes tremendous responsibility to make sure I do the right thing. One thing for sure was to stop wasting time with folks on AL.COM who sole purpose is to simply poke out at others. See people I once called friends posted that one of our tournaments were cancelled-when it wasn’t, these same people have personally attacked me and others associated with me, these same 2 guys have spread rumors amuck about me trying to discredit me, my family and my Mustangs Organization. So I felt it best if I just removed myself from any further commentary on AL.COM unless it is to promote the Mustang Organization with tryouts or tournament information.

If I have something to say then I will blog it and stand behind my words with my name. If I am wrong then I will admit it and re-blog a correction.

At the end of my life I want my works to far outlast my mouth. My mouth gets me into trouble thus I want my works to be what defines me through my actions. If you believe in it then let it show by how you conduct yourself, even when the only person that knows what you are doing is YOU! I have a responsibility to many many folks who count on me to be a good person. I want them to know and see they are not making a mistake!